Anaheim Packing District, OCAPIA and Kabataan Culture are teaming up to present FilAm Fiesta, celebrating Filipino American History Month.
On Friday, October 18, 2024, Farmers Park will transform into a Manila marketplace, featuring Filipino culinary, visual and performing artists and organizations.
Find Filipino-inspired foods at:
18 Folds (Ube Fortune Cookies)
En Familia (Chicken Adobo Tacos $5)
Presented by OCAPICA, in partnership with OCHCA
FilAm Fiesta
at Farmers Park
Marketplace Exhibitors:
at Farmers Park
Aerides General Store - @aeridesgeneralstore
Art of Pao - @artofpao_official
Biko 2 Candles
By and By LLC -
Crafty Does of Joy - @craftydoseofjoy
Created by Rudy
Donia Begonia - @doniabegoniakitchen
Ganda Creations - @ganda.creations
Hot Tropiks - @hot.tropiks
John de Castro Art - @decastronaut
Kamahalan Co. - @kamahalanco
Kats Gemini - @katsgeminis_sweets_n_eats
Kiani Wish - @recontextualism
Kid Heroes - @kidheroes
Local Sweets
Make It Bangtan - @butmakeitbangtan
The Mad Batter - @the__mad__batter
Mel Sells What - @melsellswhat
Meris Creations - @meriscreations
Native Sol - @nativesol
Nica's Necessities - @nicasnecessities
Ooh Bae Bakery - @oohbaebakes
Pabili Sari-sari - @pabili.mako
Pinay Pages - @pinaypages
Rhy & Lia @rhy.and.lia
Teofilo Coffee Company - @teofilocoffeecompany
T. Jay Santa ana - @tjaysantaana
Vintage Rewewals - @vintage_renewals
Non-Profit Organizations
Fullerton Dental Health
Kabataan Culture
OCAPICA Wellnessessity Team
Radiant Futures
Young Invincibles
Magnolia High School's Dream Club @mhsdreamclub & Savanna High School's Pilipino American Youth Organization (PAYO) @shs.payo will host a "Tinikling" workshop
Dr. Rona Psy, a Mind and Body Psychologist, will speak about how trauma affects mental health.
Dashboard Hero (aka Alden Joseph Ambrocio)
Summer Sevilla @summerislive
DJ Crisanto Santa Ana @crisantosantaana
DJ Dazzler @dj_dazzler
inside Packing House
Frequently Asked Questions:
How much does it cost to attend FilAm? Admission is FREE.
What is Filipino American History Month? The celebration of Filipino American History Month in October commemorates the first recorded presence of Filipinos in the continental United States, which occurred on October 18, 1587, when “Luzones Indios” came ashore from the Spanish galleon Nuestra Senora de Esperanza and landed at what is now Morro Bay, California. In 2009, U.S. Congress recognized October as Filipino American History Month in the United States. Various states, counties, and cities in the U.S. have established proclamations and resolutions declaring observance of Filipino American History Month. (Sourced from FANHS website)
How much does parking cost? Self-parking and bicycle parking is free. Valet is $8 (+ fees if paying with credit card).
Where do I park? Limited free self-parking is located at the Anaheim Packing House, as well as surface lots south of the Packing House on Claudina. Overflow free self-parking is located at the parking garages at City Hall and the Downtown Community Center; just a short walk or FREE Fran Ride Away! Valet is also available for $8 at the main Anaheim Packing House surface lot.
What is FRAN? FRAN (Free Rides Around the Neighborhood) is a micro-transit system using Electric Vehicles, which transports people to the destinations throughout Downtown Anaheim. To catch a FRAN, simply request a ride by scanning the QR codes A-frames at each stop. View the FRAN Map to find your stops.
How do I become a vendor? If you are an eco-friendly brand or organization, please click here to submit an inquiry via the form at the bottom of the page.
How do I sponsor the event? Email us!